Hey @Darius L, welcome to the Community! 
It should be possible to set this up for ThriveCart and Chartmogul. You’d need two Webhook actions, one that send the notification data from PayPal into ThriveCart and another to ChartMogul.
Yes, if you were to select the Successful Sale (PayPal) trigger then the Zap would only be recording sales that are successful.
If you use PayPal’s All Merchant Transactions trigger instead that should, in theory, allow the Zap to trigger on the cancelations and refunds as well.
Want to give that All Merchant Transactions trigger a try and let us know how it goes? Keen to hear from you on this! 
Hey Sam @SamB , thanks! But I’m wondering if all the steps are exactly the same as what’s written here?
Thanks for following up here @Darius L!
Hmm, I’d have thought that the steps would be very similar to those mentioned in the guide you referenced. And it would likely only differ in that you’d need two webhook actions and the trigger for the Zap would be different.
Since the two webhook actions you’d need would both send the same contents of the Raw IPN Body field mentioned in the guide, it appears that would just be the URLs that would be different. One webhook would send the information from PayPal to the relevant ThriveCart URL and the other to the relevant Chartmogul URL.
It’s also worth noting that it mentions in that guide that for it to work you’d need to make sure that the IPN URL override settings in ThriveCart and Chartmogul are disabled:

Hope that helps to clarify. Please do keep us in the loop on how you get on!