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I would like Company Cam to send a notification to Slack when someone is @mentioned in it. I can’t seem to find a way to do this. Does anyone know if it’s possible?

@alliewass I’m not familiar with CompanyCam, but here are the possible triggers:

None of these are when a person is @mentioned

So assuming that you’re wanting to trigger on a photo being tagged or when a new photo is added then you can simply set a filter afterwards to say only continue if the text/tag/description contains an @ symbol. 


Then depending on what you want to post to slack there might need to be a couple of formatter steps to process the content.

This seems like it would work but when I add the trigger for when a new photo is uploaded, I can’t seem to find within the filters how to continue if text/tag/description contains an @ symbol. It gives a whole flow of options to choose from, but I can’t see which one will be helpful. The below are only the first couple.


Hey @alliewass - You’ll need to add a search step from Slack called “Find a User by...” and you can search by their name, username, email, user ID. It seems by your screenshot that you have their name so that may work where you can search for their name to identify their username in Slack (get you that @ mention you were looking for!)

Hope this helps!