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How do I tell Zapier that if a person is single, there doesn’t need to be a co-applicant on the system it’s inputting to?

Error Message




{ "Message": "The request is invalid.", "ModelState": { "dto.CoApplicant.FirstName": "Co-Applicant First Name is required " ], "dto.CoApplicant.LastName": "Co-Applicant Last Name is required " ] } }

Hi @Dcallberg 

Help us have more context about the error by posting screenshots with how your steps are outlined and configured.


I’m not sure if this helps, but when the marital status is showing as Single, then the Coapplicant is “No Data” and somehow it’s giving an error that it’s not being able to be sent. What’s weird is this was working for the first week without any changes and now all of a sudden it’s not working.



Please post screenshots with how Zap Step 5 is configured in EDIT mode so we can see the field types and field descriptions.
