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ClickUp integration with Slack won't work for all task statuses within a ClickUp list.

  • 28 March 2022
  • 5 replies

Hey there!

I’m currently stuck at an automation, we need to create a Zap that will notify channels or DMs in Slack when a task is moved within different task statuses of a list in ClickUp; however, the current Zap I created is only working for the task at the very bottom of the list, no matter if I move a task to a different status or if I create it directly on it, it will only notify tasks changes belonging to the first status of the list.

My thoughts are that this should be only a matter of changing the desired status when setting up the Zap, but that’s precisely the issue at the moment.

Is there any recommendation for this?



Hi @JLeonIb 

Good question.

Perhaps you can outline a specific example for us to have more context, and include screenshots for how each of your Zap steps is currently configured, thanks.



So here are the relevant steps, the Zap is only working when the task status is the first one on the list, for all the other statuses no message is sent to Slack when changes are made in ClickUp



These fields are optional.

Try clearing those values to have it work for any Task Status and Status Type.



Thing is that we need those fields populated in order to receive notifications when a task reaches an specific status. Our plan is to create two or three Zaps for that purpose.


Do you have any recommendations for that? Thanks!


If you need multiple conditions for Task Status and Status Type, then you’ll need to configure multiple Zaps.

OR you can try using a Filter step in the Zap: