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checked complete items in notion added to end of day digest email

  • 30 November 2022
  • 3 replies

i want to be able to create an end of day summary email of items in a notion board that i mark checked complete that day and a weekly digest

Hi @my workflow solutions 

Good question.


The Notion Zap app only has 1 trigger available:



For the digest, try using the Digest app:

Hey there, @my workflow solutions! Thanks for reaching out in the community! 

I did some digging and it looks like for this to work you’d likely need a “Checklist Item Completed” trigger. As Troy pointed out this isn’t available at the moment so while this isn’t doable at the moment, I can definitely see the potential!
I’d recommend opening a ticket with my teammates in support and they can open a new feature request for this. While it doesn’t guarantee it will be implemented it at least allows us to continue to track and gauge interest for it. 🙂

Thanks again and welcome to community! ⚡️

than k you so much, yes that trigger would work for me if /when it exists