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Dear All,

In my first step we receive info on a field that should be a number but sometimes we receave a text on this field.

How could i check this in order to send the info to my output field (number)?

Is there any formula that checks this? something like

  • IF isnumber(step1.inputField) then step2.outFieldNumber = step1.inputField else step2.outFieldNumber = 0



You can use the Formatter action ‘Spreadsheet style formula’ (It’s under Numbers) to create a formula like that. This Community post has some examples of how folks have used Spreadsheet style formulas to create if statements: 


The bit that I’m not sure of is how to check whether or not a field is a number, so I hope that this piece of the puzzle helps!

Can you share what you figured out? I have this exact situation and curious to what the formula was?