Hi @zappedavid
You may have to add some conditional logic to your Zap such as this…
If Find Contact = TRUE, then compare the First Name and Last Name
If Name does not match, then Create Contact in Capsule.
Hi Troy,
Thank you for your quick reply. Where can I find conditional logic? and where would I need to add it (within the action?).
Thanks again! much appreciated!
You’d have to define the conditional logic then structure your Zap in a way to handles the different use cases.
Some Zap app options include…
Formatter > Math > Perform Spreadsheet Style Formula
Code (JavaScript or Python)
NOTE: It may take a few of these apps to achieve these desired conditional logic within your Zap(s).
Thank you for your options.
Since Im a beginner with Zapier I would like to ask what conditions would suit my case?
Google form retrieves email address and first and last name into row of spreadsheet. Then within Capsule I check if email already exists → then no new contact. But in this case the team of the organisation uses one e-mail address for all team members. So I need to let capsule know that when email address exists, but when with a name in row of spreadsheet which does not exist, then new contact.
...well...if you have some ideas how to tackle this one, I have tried filter/paths/formatter (coding will not be a succes!) but I dont see an option to make the condition to check on email address AND name.
Might be best to start by listing out your different use cases that Zaps will need to handle with conditional logic.
For example
- Email = Exists AND Name = Exists
- Update Contact (?)
- Email = Exists AND Name = New
- Create Contact
- Email = New
- Create Contact
You can try structuring this via nested Paths.
- Email = Exists
- Name = Exists
- Update Contact (?)
- Name = New
- Create Contact
- Email = New
- Create Contact
PS, I found an addendum :)
Choose false if you want subsequent steps to always be skipped when nothing is found. This is the most common case. The true option is used for greater control with filters and paths. If true, we will consider a "not found" result from this search step as a "success" and will always run subsequent Filter or Paths steps, allowing them to branch on whether or not the search returned a result.
So is my thinking correct: so first find emailaddress, then (path step) check again for name and if not true then add contact…?
I'll spend another day at soon! Thanks Troy. Much appreciated!
Hope I'll get the hang of this Zapier zapping
its brilliant...once you get it ;)