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Goal:  I, as a consultant, am transitioning Salesforce support to a new in-house resource.  My consulting firm uses a custom object in Salesforce to track work requests from the client.  We do  not want to give client access to our (consulting firm’s) Salesforce instance.  I do want to share the list of open work requests with the in-house resource.  Work is added and updated several times throughout each day.  


My solution is to create Zaps that will: 

  1. When a new Work Task is created for this client in our Salesforce instance, create a row in a Google Sheets worksheet.
  2. When a Work Task is updated in our Salesforce instance, update the corresponding row in the Google Sheets worksheet - we have a unique identifier for the Work Task

What I’ve done so far:

  1. Export all open work items for the client from our SF instance
  2. Uploaded exported file to Google Sheets in my Google My Drive.  On My Drive, I have a Google Sheets ‘Open Work Items’. 

Where I get stuck:

  • The new file does not appear on the spreadsheet drop down, so I copied the link for the Google Sheets ‘Open Work Items’ into the Spreadsheet window.  
  • No worksheets are available on the drop down or in custom values.  I tried hard coding the name of the worksheet - it will always be the sam, but got an error.  I couldn’t figure out how to add the worksheet.

This is my first time working with Google Sheets and I feel like I’m missing an important step.  

Hi @SFJoAnn 

Help links for using GSheets in Zaps:

For us to have more info, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.

If you know the Spreadsheet ID and the Worksheet ID, you can try setting those as static values using the ‘Custom’ tab.

Make sure the connected GSheet account in Zapier has access to the GSheet.

@Troy Tessalone   Thank you for your prompt response.  I actually figured it out.  I missed a step in preparing my Google Sheets.  I uploaded the Excel file to my Google Drive, but did not save it as a Google Sheets file.  Once I saved it as a Google Sheets file, I was able to find it and select the worksheet.  
