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Can we use Google Workspace within my Zap?

  • 31 May 2022
  • 5 replies

I didnt see anything for this, but it seems like something that has probably been done a million times…


We utilize Google Workspace for our collaboration (email, file sharing, etc) and this is typically the first thing that is set up. I would love to see some kind of recipe for when a user is created in Google Workspace to:
invite them to Slack,
add them to particular channels
Sync users over to LastPass (we already have an integration just need to click sync to pick up new users)

Im sure there is some more but I figure once we get that the rest would be easy to add on. 

Hi @Mletendre 

Good question.

There is no Zap for G Workspace Admin.

These are the available Zap apps:

Each Zap app has available triggers and/or actions.


So it looks like it is not possible to do then? 


There is no Zap for G Workspace Admin to detect when a new user is created.

In Slack there is no Zap action available to invite a user to a workspace:

LastPass has 1 Zap action available: Create User


Hey @Mletendre! Just wanted to pop in here to confirm that there isn’t a way to do what you’re asking about here due to some of the limitations Troy mentioned:

There is no Zap for G Workspace Admin.

These are the available Zap apps:

There is no Zap for G Workspace Admin to detect when a new user is created.

In Slack there is no Zap action available to invite a user to a workspace:

LastPass has 1 Zap action available: Create User


I’ve gone ahead and added your vote for Google Workspace Admin so should it get added, we’ll email you to let you know!

I’ve done the same with the “Invite New User” Action for Slack, however, I wanted to be transparent that due to some technical limitations with how Zapier and Slack interact, this doesn’t appear to be possible at the moment. Should anything change or we have updates to share, we’ll be adding it to the main thread here if you’d like to follow along: 


Thank you.  I appreciate the time in writing and adding the vote for Google Admin!