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Can't you link the Google sheet using the importrange function?

  • 17 May 2022
  • 3 replies

Please understand that I used a translator.

  1. I connected the google sheet using the QWERY and IMPORTRANGE functions to the web hook.
  2. I chose New Spreadsheet Row for trigger event.
  3. I linked a messenger app called JANDI with the sheet.
  4. The test notification was successful, but the actual new data was not notified.
  5. So I wonder if the IMPORTRANGE function(or QWERY or both) does not reflect the notification in real time.

Thank you


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3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey @lifeisgood! Happy to help here. It sounds like you are using the Google Sheets “New Row” trigger and possibly a Webhook “Post” action , is that correct? Is there then another Jandi action? If you can share a bit more about the order of the steps and specifically how and where you’re using QWERY and IMPORTRANGE functions, we can take a deeper dive and try to get you pointed in the right direction. 🙂 Let us know!

Hey @lifeisgood! Happy to help here. It sounds like you are using the Google Sheets “New Row” trigger and possibly a Webhook “Post” action , is that correct? Is there then another Jandi action? If you can share a bit more about the order of the steps and specifically how and where you’re using QWERY and IMPORTRANGE functions, we can take a deeper dive and try to get you pointed in the right direction. 🙂 Let us know!


Thank you.
I'm using the "WHERE" function of the "QWERY" function based on the "importrange" function to get only columns with the corresponding words.
Google sheets without functions are notified in two to three minutes, and Google sheets with functions are notified in an hour to a day.
(The JANDI messenger has only notification.)


Userlevel 7
Badge +9

@lifeisgood thanks for letting me know! Historically, Google Sheets that have formulas running have been known to cause a lot of issues within Zaps. Sheets need to be formatted in a very specific (and simplistic) way:

If formulas/lookups/filtering for rows containing specific words are essential to your workflow and you’re open to exploring a different option, I would highly suggest utilizing Airtable instead of a Sheet for this workflow: