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Can't figure out this error

  • 16 June 2020
  • 1 reply

I am getting this email from Zapier with subject :”

 >alert] Possible error on your "QBO payment received--Slack" Zap!”


The Zap is from QBO to Slack, and I am NOT getting a failed Zap notice in my Task History, and it gives me no useful data with which I could track the transaction in QBO.


This is the error:

QuickBooks Online: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object


QBO is blaming it on Zapier, Zapier is not responding to repeated inquiries and begging for more information.  I don’t know how where to go to fix this!


Does anyone out there know what this is, and what I should do?

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @DebKNL, I’m sorry that you’re having this trouble with your QuickBooks Zap. 


I can see that the Support Team were able to get back to you with the following response:

I'm afraid this error is the product of a known bug. We've escalated this to the team responsible for the Quickbooks integration. While I'm unable to offer an ETA, I see that Michelle was able to add your email to the bug report so we can let you know when this does get fixed.

Ultimately, we may need to wait for this to be fixed by the developers. In the meantime, however, there is something we can try.

I see Michelle spotted the following message from Quickbooks in the error log:

  • "You do not have access to use QuickBooks Online Plus"

According to Quickbooks, that error means the following:

Common cause

  • The user admin who connected his or her QuickBooks Online company with your app is either not an admin anymore or has been removed from the QuickBooks Online company.


  • Reach out to the former QuickBooks Online company owner to check whether the company still needs your app, or whether to revoke access.
  • Consider the connection to this QuickBooks Online company disconnected.

With that in mind, it may help to check the permissions of the connected Quickbooks account.

I can't say for sure that will help, but it may be worth trying while we wait for the developer's fix.

Apologies again for any trouble here. We'll let you know when the bug is resolved, but we're here for any other questions or concerns in the meantime.


I know that it’s not great news to hear that there’s a bug and I’m sorry for the hassle while we get this sorted. Was there anything in this reply that was unclear or you have any questions about?