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Iam trying to create a ZAP for Moodle, when a student is enrolled to a course as trigger. But iam already stucked in connecting zapier to moodle.  First I got the error Code 403 forbidden, so i checked moodle and activated webservices in moodle and added a user for webservice login. Now I get an error: 

authentication failed: Error code invalidtoken: Ungültiges Token - Token wurde nicht gefunden

My problem is that there is no documentation on the Connection with Moodle through zapier: which protocol is in use? Do I have to use a special URL? Do I need a special moodle plugin?

Has anybody succesfully connected moodle with zapier and can help?

Thanks alot,


Hi @OS_webredaktion 

I'm going to flag this post for the Zapier Community Team. They should have more insight on this and can escalate to the support team if needed.

Sit tight, and someone will contact you soon.

Hi @OS_webredaktion ,

Thanks for reaching out- sorry you are running into an issue with the Moodle connection!

You shouldn’t need a special URL/plug-in but you may need to reconnect your Moodle account or re-enter your credentials. Check out these troubleshooting tips and if those don’t do the trick, could you please share a screenshot of your configuration/error message you are seeing?

Thank you!


I already tried multiple times to create a new account. My account is admin and moderator in moodle. I also don’t get the 403 error but the invalid token error, so I think I have to do something in moodle to get it to work, but there is no description anywhere. So I still need help.



Hi @OS_webredaktion I’m sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this one. As it looks like we’ll need to do some more digging, I've escalated this to the Support team and someone will be touch via email to help you with it as soon as possible.

Hi @OS_webredaktion, it’s been a bit but we wanted to check back to see if you were able to forward our message to your admin for further action? We’re here if you need any further assistance.

Hi @OS_webredaktion!

I wanted to check in with you on this one, since we didn't hear back after our last message. Did you still need help here or were you able to resolve things? Please let us know :)