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I do social media management, and I have a client prefers that I post to their personal FB page as it gets more traction than their business one, but it means that I have to manually do this, which can add up in time. Basically, the same posts (pics/videos and text) that I share to their Instagram page, I want to share to this Facebook page. Their personal FB page is classified as a professional account. I use Metricool to schedule, which I know has a plug-in with Zapier. I’ve asked Metricool’s support team and they told me it’s best to check with Zapier. I’ve searched online but I only found old chats in this forum saying that it wasn’t possible. I wanted to see if there was any chance of it being possible for a professional account which is like a semi business page?

Hi @CarlaatZephyr 

Help article for Metricool that may provide guidance:


Otherwise, sometimes the best way to find out is to try to configure and test.