
Can I upload PDFs to Microsoft Dynamic 365 CRM to see which company was invoiced?


My company is currently changing our ERP system - from E-conomic to Business Central.

In E-conomic we have opportunity to send PDFs into the system, which will then read, which company had sent the invoice with included:

  • Invoice number
  • total
  • etc.

Unfortunately, this features doesn’t seem to exist in Business Central


That is why I was wondering if this is possible to make in/with Zapier?

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Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @Nordcad -

I’d like to assist you with this but want to ensure I am following. 

I understand you are looking to set up a Zap using Microsoft Business Central. Are you able to provide any other context you may have around setting up this Zap such as the starting application, endpoint application, overall Zap goal are helpful in guiding you toward setting up a successful Zap! 

Hi Chanelle!

Hmm… I am not really sure, but I know the endpoint is Microsoft Business Central.


In our current software (E-conomic) it is possible to upload PDF files into the system. Then E-conomic will read the PDF and insert the right values in the relevant company profile (invoice, invoice number, money total, etc.)


I imagine something like sending the relevant values to a specific email, or inserting the values in a Google Docs, which will then apply them to the related company.


I am not sure...


Maybe you have some suggestions to make this as smart and effective as possible?


*BTW I am not the one who is going to be using this zap but my colleagues in accounting is. I am just trying to see if I can help 🐒🐒

Yes, Microsoft Business Central is a real product. It is a comprehensive business management solution offered by Microsoft. Formerly known as Dynamics 365 Business Central, it is designed to help small and medium-sized businesses automate and streamline their processes, including finance, operations, sales, and customer service.

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @Nordcad -

Oh how nice of you, what a great colleague to have! 

Without a starting application, it’s a little tough to put together a definitive Zap. By this I mean, without knowing if your PDF upload will be manually inserted, or coming from another platform, it’s more of a theoretical workflow. I did some research, as I have not yet tackled a use case like this, so we’ll be testing this out together! Nevertheless, here’s what I would put together: 

  1. Trigger - New File [PDF] (Google Drive)
  2. Action - Upload Document [this allows the PDF text to be extracted] (DocParser)
  3. Action - Create Lead/Contact/Case [whichever fits workflow best] (Dynamics CRM)

I believe this is just a base outline on the possibilities of the Zap set up. Give this a try and let me know how it all works out. Happy to come back and troubleshoot!