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Can I set up a path in a zap to check if an email already exists in Salesforce?

  • 22 September 2022
  • 4 replies

I’m testing out a zap, the intent is to take the information from a Hubspot form and create necessary records as a result (Business>Contact>Deal). *Deal is a custom object in our org, we don’t use Opportunities.

What I am trying to figure out is if it is possible in the Zap to set up a path to check the submitted email on the Hubspot form against our Salesforce to see if it already exists.  We have set pretty strict duplicate rules and as a result, if the email already exists, I want to use that existing Contact/Business record to create the Deal in.  If it doesn’t exist then I want it to go ahead and create the business>contact>deal.

Hi @msproles 

Good question.

 Try using this Zap action: Salesforce - Find/Create Record



Try using the Paths app in the Zap:

Edit:  Didn’t see the first part of your response before my initial response, the find record piece may be what I need with the path.


Thats what I was hoping to use, but while the Path function seems straightforward, I couldn’t really see if there was a way to compare data in a form submission with data in our Salesforce (the email in the Hubspot form submission against existing emails in Salesforce).


Try these Zap steps, no Paths necessary, unless needed.
(General concept is outlined but your steps may need to be reordered)

  1. Trigger: HubSpot - New Form Submission
  2. Action: Salesforce - Find/Create Record
    1. Object: Business
  3. Action: Salesforce - Find/Create Record
    1. Object: Contact
    2. Make sure to select the checkbox at the bottom for: Create Salesforce Record if it doesn’t exist yet?
    3. This means a Contact record will always be returned
      1. Whether an existing Contact record was found OR a new Contact record was created
      2. The Zap will indicate if a match was found (true/false)
  4. Action: Salesforce - Find/Create Record
    1. Object: Deal


Thanks, I think I have it down now, just published it and will be checking to make sure it is working but I feel good about it.  Thanks for the help!