
Can I link a WooCommerce order from Site A to place an order on Site B?

  • 31 August 2023
  • 6 replies

I know what I’m trying seems redundant, but I’m attempting to do the following:

  1. User places a woocommerce order on Site A
  2. Zapier links that order to second site
  3. The woocommerce order from Site A, places an order for a woocommerce product on Site B

I’m going to make the product on Site B free, and hidden from view, so that I can just keep track internally. We offer a custom music making platform, and I want orders placed from clients on Site A, to send the order to Site B, as Site B is the one who gets the orders to fulfill.


Is this possible?

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6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi there @sushea,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

Here’s how I see the Zap setup based on your workflow:

  1. Trigger: WooCommerce - New Order - Connect your Site A account.
  2. Action: WooCommerce - Create Order - Connect your Site B account.

You can check out suggested workflows for WooCommerce from our website:

Additionally, I’d like to share this awesome Community post by Danvers that might help you with your workflow: 

Please give that a try, and let me know how it goes! 😊

Okay so I tried to do what you said, but I’m getting this error now


WooCommerce returned "Customer ID is invalid.". Error code: "woocommerce_rest_invalid_customer_id" on

I just used the import from the list it gave me



Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @sushea 

Try adding this Zap action: WooCommerce - Find/Create Customer

This will return the Customer ID from Site 2.


This is way above what I’m used to, and I’m sorry but the information you are supplying isn’t quite specific enough. I get an error, saying it can’t find any customers I’m sorry



Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi there @sushea,

Did you connect your “Site B” on the “Find Customer” step? If you have, could you confirm whether the customer from “Site A” exists in “Site B”? If not, I recommend checking the “Create WooCommerce Customer if it doesn't exist yet?” checkbox so that the customer from “Site A” can be created on “Site B.”

After that, you can go ahead, and setup the “Create Order” step.

Please give that a try, and let me know how it goes!

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @sushea 

Map the email variable to the Email field to search for a Customer with the email address value.