But when I try to find the sqaure customer data and map it to the MailChimp fields, it just says “no data”.
Is it not possible to get the customer data from a Square transaction?
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Hello and welcome to the Community, @QDCCA!
The bug report on that other topic was since closed so the customer fields should be coming through. I did some testing in my own Zapier account and was able to see a value for the Customer Email Address field:
Perhaps the selected test record in the Square trigger doesn’t have an email address in that field. Can you try changing the selected test record to see if you’re able to see a value come through for the Customer Email Address field on a different test record?
Keen to ensure you’re all set here so please keep us updated on how that goes!
Sam, thank you for the reply. That test user that I used in my first post was myself and I did fill out my e-mail address, name, address, etc as it is required by square to do a credit card transaction.
I just tried re-creating it again from scratch and we have had a few other purchases online, but no matter which one I choose, there is no user data available:
FYI, I tried changing the trigger from “Order Status”→”Completed” to “Order Status”->”Open” thinking that I might get some different transaction data if I changed the trigger, but I still get no info:
Have you submitted a real order/payment to pull thru in the Zap trigger step?
Ok, I was working on this a bit more, and I’m not quite sure how you were able to do that because I think the issue is that there is no customer information coming from square (which is why I was getting “no info” errors). I ran a test and looked through the info sent from Square and it’s just basically transaction info (no customer data) like purchase items and cost, which is unfortunate, but it does explain why I can’t get any customer data from a transaction (only from a new customer Square event). I guess it’s just a limitation on the Square side of things.
It may have to do with how the Order is being processed in Square, or perhaps settings in Square.
If a Customer ID is being returned, then you can add a step: Square - Find Customer
Find customer doesn’t work -- it only allows to search on email address, phone number, reference ID.
I tried to add into the reference ID - ID, Order Id ,Receipt Number but none of that works.
Hi friends,
I did some digging into this, and it seems like this is a known bug with Square where the customer information is not being returned by the “New Order” trigger. Our team is aware of the issue and is working on a fix. I've added your email address as another affected user. That does a few things:
Bring this to the attention of the integration developers
Help track and prioritize fixes
Allows us to notify you via email if/when this is fixed
Unfortunately, I do not have an ETA, but I’ve added you to the list of users affected by this issue so we can let you know as soon as we have any updates.
I appreciate your patience and understanding.
I know I’m late to the party here, but I ran into a similar issue and found a workaround (at least for the customer name issue).
When there’s no data populating in the “Customer Given/Family Name” fields, the customer’s first and last name were showing up under “Fulfillments Pickup Details Recipient Address First/Last Name”.
I haven’t done any digging to find an email address in there, but the customer name was definitely there. I hope that helps!
Thank you for sharing the workaround, @pieguy! I would like to inform you that I have added you to the open bug report as another affected member. Once the bug has been fixed, you will be notified accordingly.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Okay, so I’ve reached out to support and nobody seems to be able to help or be aware of this bug issue. I run and test my zaps and they work fine. However, continue to get errors when it runs because it says there is no “customer Id or email address” found. When I dig deeper it looks like the “Data Out” section under square isn’t sending over the customer’s email, name, or anything so Active Campaign or whatever can’t pull any information through. Can I please be put on the affected member bug list...this is extremely frustrating especially since I seemed to have to figure this out myself.
Hi @Catk,
I’m so sorry to hear the inconvenience this bug has caused you.
I have added you to the open bug report as another affected member. We will keep you in the loop via email once the bug has been fixed.
Additionally, you might be able to use the API Request (Beta) to retrieve the customer details. Here’s how:
After that, you can map the customer information to the subsequent steps. Like so: (view larger)
Hopefully, this helps!
Hi folks,
Just wanted to follow up here with a quick update to share that the team have closed the bug report for now as it’s unable to be resolved due to limitations on Square’s end. In case you missed the email notification about this here’s the key information from it:
You're getting this email because you reached out to us regarding the "New Order" trigger in our Square integration not consistently receiving the customer data you were expecting.
After extensive investigation, we've pinpointed the root of the issue to a longstanding anomaly within the Square API itself. Regrettably, this situation is beyond our control, which means we're unable to rectify this behavior at present. For a deeper dive into the technicalities of this issue, we recommend perusing this thread on the Square support forum: https://developer.squareup.com/forums/t/customer-id-missing-on-some-orders-while-using-order-search/7041/26
We share your frustration regarding the inconsistency of this feature and sincerely wish we could offer a direct solution. Rest assured, we are committed to updating our integration to accommodate this functionality, should Square address and resolve the underlying issue within their API.
Sorry to not have better news to share on this right now. If anything changes on Square’s end to allow this issue to be resolved will be sure to share a further update in the thread here.