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Can I differentiate between tweets with videos and photos, and auto-crosspost only photos from Twitter to Facebook?

Is there a way to differentiate between tweets with videos and tweets with photos? I want only photo posts to crosspost to Facebook, but at the moment it is grabbing the thumbnail from video tweets on Twitter and posting those too.


On a similar vein, is there a way to set up a Zap to autocrosspost videos from Twitter natively onto Facebook and other platforms?

Hi @fabianharrison 

Good question.

Try adding a Filter step to the Zap:

Thanks for your reply - I’ve been trying this but I can’t figure it out.

How would I get Facebook to pull a video for example from a tweet and repost it natively using filters?

Many thanks


We would need to see screenshots with examples of the data returned from the Zap trigger step for videos vs vs photos.