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Can I buy additional tasks without changing my plan?

  • 11 May 2022
  • 7 replies

Hi, I would like to purchase additional tasks and continue on the same plan. It's possible?

Hi @Amanda Fraga!

Looks like you’re on the Professional Plan which has tasks ranging from 2,000 to 2,000,000 tasks per month, so yep - you can buy more tasks, but stay on the same plan! Check out for more info on tasks and pricing.

If you need any help, let us know. 😀

Hi @Jillian!! Thanks for your answer! Still not clear to me. Can I buy additional tasks just for this month? Or am I required to upgrade? For example: 

Now I am using tha plan with 10000 tasks/month and I paid the annual fee. However, this amount of tasks is close to ending, and there are 10 days left to renew the plan. I would like to buy 1000 additional tasks and continue with the same amount of 10000 tasks for the next month. Is it possible?


Hi @Amanda Fraga 

Good question.

You will have to upgrade for now, then downgrade later, even within the same Zapier plan to get more/less Tasks.

Zapier currently doesn’t offer Task credits on an ad-hoc purchase basis.

Yep. @Troy Tessalone is right, but to check my understanding and expand a bit on the above I checked with our billing crew. And here’s what I know now:

Any changes to your Zapier billing plan are done on a pro-rata basis, so you’ll only be charged for the days on the plan. Unused time on your plan is applied as a credit towards the new plan you select, which you’ll see reflected in the invoice before making the change.

For example, pretend you’re on a Starter Plan for $30/month. Halfway through the month, you upgrade to a Professional Plan for $73.50/month.

  1. You’ll receive a $15 credit (for half a month of Starter Plan)
  2. This credit will be applied to the upgrade, so you’ll only pay $58.50 for the first month of the Professional Plan
  3. One month from the upgrade, you’ll pay $73.50 for the 2nd month of the Professional Plan

Hopefully that helps. Let me know if you have any other questions!

Thanks @Troy Tessalone for the quick answer! And this purchase I can make monthly, right? And then downgrade asap after the purchase? Or do I need to wait a period to downgrade and switch to annual again? Since I already paid the amount anuually for 10k tasks. My question is: does this mess up the amount paid for the 10K tasks per month? 


@Amanda Fraga 

Help article explaining upgrading/downgrading Zapier plans:

Hi @Amanda Fraga

If you upgrade and then downgrade again, your Zapier account will be credited based on the amount of time left on the plan when you downgrade it. Here’s an example from the help guide above:

  • If you pay $61.25 monthly and downgrade your plan with 15 days left in a 30 day month, Zapier credits your account $30.63.
  • If you select a new $24.99 monthly plan, Zapier uses $24.99 of that credit so you pay nothing at that time. A credit of $5.64 remains on your account.
  • The next month, Zapier applies the remaining credit, so you pay $19.38.
  • The third month, there is no credit left, so you’re charged full price.


I know that this example looks at monthly billing, but the principles are the same: if you upgrade and then downgrade, any difference in the plan is added as credit to your account and is therefore taken off of your next bill. If you do upgrade and then downgrade you will be restarting your annual plan, your renewal date will change. 


I hope that covers your questions, if you’d like some more details the best thing to do would be to contact the support team using the Get Help form. Here in the Community, we can talk in general terms, but someone from the Support Team will be able to look at your account to give you information that’s specific to your circumstances.