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Shopify store.
We would like to use the following apps to achieve the following flow, is this possible?

1 Hulk Advanced 
2 Zapier
3 Hubspot

When a product is added to Wishlist, we want to add the added User information customer information] as Hubspot contact information.
If the customer information has already been added, I want to update it.

Is it possible to realize this kind of flow?


Hi there @yasuu,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

Here is how I see the Zap for the workflow that you have in mind:

  1. Trigger: Hulk Advanced - Added to Wishlist
  2. Action: HubSpot - Create or Update Contact

Also, you can check out suggested workflows for Hulk Advanced and HubSpot from our website:

Hopefully, this helps! 😊