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Can I add a tag to ActiveCampaign (new) contact, instead of putting them on a list

  • 22 May 2024
  • 1 reply

Can I add a tag to ActiveCampaign (new) contact, instead of putting them on a list.


So when I connect Paypro system to Active Campaign: all my sales now via Paypro go to a certain list in Active Campaign. 

But I would rather give the sale/contact a TAG in stead of putting them on a list, is that possible?


Hope to hear from you,

Tessa from the Netherlands

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @Tessa, welcome to the Community! 😁

With the Create or Update Contact (ActiveCampaign) action the List field isn’t required and it looks like there’s an Tags field that would allow you to add a tag:

So it should be possible to just add a tag to a contact when creating them, rather than adding them to a list. 

Can you give that a try and confirm whether it works as hoped?