
Can I add a field like a category to the action tab to send events to another calendar?

  • 16 June 2023
  • 1 reply

Can I add a field like category to the action tab to send event to another calendar


1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey there, @Rick H! Welcome to community - we’re so thrilled you’re here! 🎉

Can you elaborate on the desired workflow a bit for us? Sometimes it helps to phrase questions like "When this happens in [blank] (trigger) app, do that in [blank] (action) app."

Knowing the triggers, actions, and apps being using usually gives us a better idea of how to help.

I’ll also pop some resources below that may be useful if you’re just getting started with Zapier:

Looking forward to digging into this with you! 🤗
