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Call Detection with Zapier for a web-based CRM-Software

Hello community,
I´ am new to Zapier. I work as Product Owner and I am responsible for a web-based CRM-Software (Customer Relationship Management).
As we want to improve our software we are planning to integrate Zapier.
We are looking for a  App/Zap that will allow the contact details (phone numbers+name) stored in the CRM to be recognized and displayed to the called party when a call is received on the smartphone. So that the called person can address the caller personally by name.

If possible, we do not want to transfer/save the contact details (phone number+name) to the smartphone.

Is there a App/Zap that can do this?

Thanks a lot. 

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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @Zumbie 

Zapier alone doesn’t have this capability. However, Zapier could help keep a VoIP’s contact list up to date. I.e a zap that creates a new contact in your VoIP system when a new contact is added in your CRM. 

You will need to look into VoIP providers that offer CRM integrations. This article outlines a top 7 list:


Hi @GetUWired 

thanks for your quick answer.

Is there a zap/app to transfer contact details (phone numbers+name) from CRM to smartphone?



Userlevel 7
Badge +12


A possible solution could be to sync Google Contacts to your smartphone

In Zapier, you would then need a zap(s) that creates new google contacts for new CRM contacts. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Just checking in to see if you still need help with this?