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Autoupdate Inventory on Shopify

  • 18 November 2020
  • 4 replies

Hi guys, how are you? You know that we are a small marketplace, and we have the following problem: I have a product that has different variants, and each variant is a different SKU, I want to achieve that by selling each of those different SKUs, they are discounted from the original product's inventory. Has anyone done this before?

Action: Shopify - Update Inventory Quantity


Hello! Welcome to the community!

To elaborate a little bit on Troy's screenshot, and give you a bit more context here. You would first want to create a trigger when a product is sold, and then you would want to reduce the quantity of that item by 1 - is that correct?

You could set up your zap like so: When product is sold > Find inventor Item > Reduct item quantity by 1 with a math Operation > Update the inventory item with a new quantity.

Here's more info about the math operation here:

Hope that helps!

Hi Andy… mainly you got it… the problem is that, we have SKU XXXX and from that SKU comes differents variables with anothers SKU XXXX01 XXXX02 for example… and when we sold SKU XXXX01 or XXXX02, we want to discount the same qty in each variable, zapier only finds SKU XXXX on the list doesnt find the variable SKU XXXX01 or XXXX02… dont know if i explain my self..

This makes sense - But can you not look up that SKU  by using a “Find Product” step before updating it?