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Hello there,


I’m looking for a workflow that could automatically remove a meeting from my Google Calendar when the contact details are removed from Hubspot. 


So for example right now we use HS as our CRM and Google Calendar. When someone books a meeting through form → it automatically creates an account in Hubspot and it also books a meeting in my Google Calendar BUT if the domain is not a company domain or the domains we blocked Hubspot automatically deletes the contact details/account within Hubspot but the meeting still stays on my Google Calendar.


I hope this is possible with Zapier

Hey there, @Whale! Thanks for reaching out in the Community! 

I imagine this could be achievable! The most straightforward way I’m thinking would likely be:

  1. Hubspot Trigger - “Company/Contact Recently Created or Updated”
  2. Delay by Zapier - (accounting for any time delay between when the account is created and when Hubspot deletes it)
  3. Filter by Zapier - “Does not exist”
  4. Google Calendar Search - “Find Event”
  5. Google Calendar  Action - “Delete Event”

If you’re just getting starting with Zapier here’s a few other resources to get ya started:

That said, this feels like it would be costly in terms of task usage so I’d definitely recommend testing it out to see if it’s feasible for you! I’m super curious to see if there’s alternative suggestions my brainiac friends in Community may have for us here though. 🙂