
Auto populate an Asana Custom Field for all tasks in a project

  • 24 February 2024
  • 2 replies

Hello All, 


I have a quick question with hopefully a quick answer. I have a multi-step zap when a new Calendly appointment is made. I was wondering if I could update a project’s custom field throughout all tasks to a certain selection based on whether the Calendly appointment was for an English or Spanish client. I would like my “Language” custom field with dropdown options of English or Spanish to select the correct language. This is so my assistant knows which language to speak whenever calling the client. If there is a non-custom field way of notifying the virtual assistant which language to use, I would also be interested in those suggestions. I wish that the “Set status” dropdown could be modified so that could notify the assistant of the project’s / client’s language.

The custom field in all tasks of this project. I want it to be selected to a certain language for all tasks so that whenever the assistant is working on something within that task, she can know which language to speak to with client.
I have a long multi-step zap but it can be branched out here to update the custom field. I also tried adding a tag which is either “English” or “Spanish.” The shortcoming is that it only adds the tag to one task - I’d like all tasks to have that tag or otherwise have some sort of way of notifying the assistant of which language to use.


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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Joski 

Perhaps it would be more efficient to have 1 Task with Subtasks.

Then you could set the Language selection on the Task.

@Troy Tessalone That is a good idea. My hesitation with that is you cannot look at the subtasks in board view correct? My system is probably not optimal as I created it by scratch as I was going along. I think what will work is that I have a separate project where each case is a task (like how you’re mentioning so I can see the forrest from the trees) - then I will use the custom field to select language. That client task is then added to the corresponding client main project (in a different Team) in the section that it is corresponds to where they are in the case journey and the task shows the language. 


Thanks for your time and consideration!