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Currently stuck on Zap I am trying to create.


I would like to create a Zap on Asana and the Trigger should be a new task on Asana.

However, when I go to test this Trigger I have to find new records. The records of "new tasks"

it displays are currently not the newest tasks.


In addition, I created new tasks as examples to see if they would be picked up in the new records, 

but no matter how many times I refresh I get the same message that "no new records" were found.


Any insight on what I should do here? 

It is a bit hard for me to share screenshots.

Hi @Bat472 


The test records are usually controlled by whoever did the integration (in most cases it's the app themselves) which means in some cases the test records wouldn't change, depending on how they configured this in the integration, i.e.: there isnt much you can do here.


The question is why would you need the latest records in the testing?

Hello Mr. Swellam


Thank you for your quick response.


The test records that it is showing are quite old, and it does not 

display the information that I need. 


I am a bit worried that new tasks in the Asana Project will not 

be transferred correctly into the Google Spreadsheet.


The project was created by someone else. However, what do you mean

by the intergration?


I don't think there is no Intergration actually created yet. 

Hi @Bat472 


Integration just means the step in Zapier :) 


Dont worry about new tasks not transferring, once the Zap is running it should work correctly. My advise would be to use the old records for now to set it up and turn it so it would trigger with the new data

Hi @MohSwellam 




I tried testing with the old records, howerver it is not working out how I hoped.…


It looks like the old records do not have the correct custom fields and I cannot 

properly locate the right ones.


It would be much easier if I can load a new record because I can specifically label the 

task in order that all custom fields are found. 


Any insight? 


Best regards,


Thats a bit tricky and it doesnt always work unfortunately. What I would do is turn the zap on, create a record while the zap is on, wait for it to trigger, and once that is done I would go back and reload the test data, sometimes that works




So far it looks like it is not working. 

The zap is on, but is currently not noticing any new tasks being created, so I am not getting

any new triggers.


Small update, I figured out the records that it is pulling are not tasks in Asana.

They are milestones. Any reason to why it is pulling milestones instead of tasks? 

Hi @Bat472 


We are getting somewhere now 🙂 Can you show me which trigger you are using?