Attempting to use a BETA application in a Zap, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. I’ve found very little documentation on it, the best yet is actually hosted by Adobe (
I’m attempting to get it work in any capacity and then will weave that into more complex zap but am struggling at the most simple zaps. I can get my trigger to work properly (new file in OneDrive) but Adobe requires the following fields which I am not sure of a value to enter:
Input File Storage - Do I put the OneDrive file URL, file path, ID, File?
Input File Location - Same as above, not sure what to use here
Output File Location - Less concerned about this one but any guidance is appreciated
Output File Storage - OneDrive File Path?
Above are the basic fields, there’s also these ones below which are even more foreign to me:
Presets File Storage
Presets File Location