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Hi everyone,

I’m trying to create a Zap that takes a new Klaviyo profile and creates a corresponding profile in our e-commerce software, Commerce7, using the Dionysus C7 Integration (1.0.0).


  • Data: First name, last name, and email address from Klaviyo.
  • Issue: Integration requires a Country Code, which fails to be accepted no matter how it’s formatted.

Source of Data:

  • Sign-ups are coming from our Cellar Door via a Caard page, which populates the data into Klaviyo without issues.
  • The problem arises when trying to create the new profile in Commerce7 via Zapier.


  • I’ve tried directly connecting Caard to Zapier and then to Klaviyo, then to Commerce7.
  • Used webhooks to insert "Australia" or "AU" as the country code automatically.
  • Every attempt results in the following error:
    • Error Message: "Failed to create a customer in Dionysus C7 Integration (1.0.0). The app returned 'must be equal to one of the allowed values'."

I can’t figure out why this seemingly simple task is proving so difficult. Any advice or solutions would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!



Hi @TashJD 

Provide more context by posting screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.

I hope this is what you mean @Troy Tessalone 



We need to see how your Zap step 2 is configured for the ‘Action’ tab section.


second times a charm right @Troy Tessalone (have you guessed i’m not amazing at this stuff) 



Try removing the hardcoded value of “co” before the mapped variable.

Also, the Country Code field likely expects either AU or AUS.


Thanks for these pointers @Troy Tessalone  Yup So, have taken the Co out(not sure why that was there TBH) - Tried using the Klaviyo attribute - Fail. Deleted Klaviyo Attribute and manually typed AUS - failed, Typed AU, failed, Typed Australia, failed - then tried variations in lowercase etc and still it fails with the same error message that 

Failed to create a customer in Dionysus C7 Integration (1.0.0)

The app returned "must be equal to one of the allowed values".

I even tried +61 for fun to see if it was after a mobile phone code - Nope


You may need to reach out to the app developer for help with their Zap app integration.

Yup, I have. I thought id see if anyone here could help in the meantime. Thanks so much.