I’m completely new to Zapier and I’m wondering if anyone can tell me if Zapier will do what I need it to or am I on the wrong path? I’m completely new to automation so please bare with me :-)
I have an airtable base that has multiple tabs set up in it (sorry if I’m using the wrong terms here...). Two of those tabs store data that we want to send to multiple wordpress websites. We need a new custom post to be created when a new entry is added to airtable, one of the tabs is to create one custom post type - the other tab creates a different custom post type. We also need it to update the posts if there is a change within airtable.
From what I’ve read so far I think Zapier will do the above for me...I’m not so sure about the updating of posts though. The next bit however I really can’t work out. Once the data is transferred to wordpress we need to be able to access the data to then be able to manually create different custom posts on an as needed basis.
The only other way I can explain it is each entry in airtable is a product with attributes, I want a custom post to be created when a new entry is added and I want that post to be updated if there is a change in airtable. I also want to display some of those products in different ways on different pages within the website at my discretion. Each website is unique with these discretionary products.
I’m truely grateful for anyone who can help a beginner get my head around how we can get this to work. :-)