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I have created a zap that:

  • creates a folder on GDrive
  • copies a Google Form and its corresponding Sheet to this new folder
  • sends a message with a link to this form to someone who can fill in the form

I have two challenges, I hope you can help.

  1. Although the zap gives me the ID of the copy of the form, this is different from the ID that is part of the URL to fill in the form (as I just found out). This means that I can create a link in the mail message, but it would link to the edit functionality of the form. How can I get the ID that I need to construct a URL that I can send to someone who needs to fill in the form (obviously, I don't want to do that manually, in that case half of the work would be outside the zap)?
  2. I also want to link the form and the sheet. Again, you can do that manually once the form and sheet have been copied, but is it possible to let a zap action do that?



Hey @André R., welcome to the Community! :)

You’re right. I’ve taken a look and it seems that we’re only able to get the “edit” ID for the form, not the “preview” ID that would be needed in order to create a link to view/fill out the form. And it’s not currently possible to set the spreadsheet a Google Form saves responses to when copying a form.

I’m certain having the ability to copy existing Google Forms where a link to view the form is provided, as well as the ability to link the copied form to a specific spreadsheet would be super useful to others as well. We don’t have any existing feature requests for this that I can add you to, so I’d suggest reaching out to our Support team to get a feature request opened up for this. I’m sorry to not have a quicker solution to suggest here! 

Hi Sam,

Thank you for your answer (that unfortunately is also a confirmation 😞

I may have a workaround that could work because the number of people that need to fill out the form is small (2 lecturers grading a thesis by a student, each copy of the form is used to grade an individual student). I found out that the the link with the edit ID can also be used to fill in the form! The only (?) disadvantage is that there is also a 'Request access’ button visible, and I would have to inform the lecturers that they need to ignore that button. 

Linking the sheet to the form must be done by hand, it seems :-(

I will send in a feature request!






I’m so glad you were able to figure out a workaround, @André R.. Hopefully the feature request will be implemented soon! :)

Hi Sam,


I have even a better, real solution (for the first issue). I made a change in how I build the URL to the form. What I initially did was: + ID + /viewform


I added the '/e’ because that is in the URL a Google Form creates for sending to people to fill in the form.


The following works, however: + ID + /viewform


It actually redirects the URL to the one that Google generates, but without the button to request editing rights. For this, it is necessary to add '/viewform’, without this addition you still get the 'request editing rights’ button on the bottom of the page.


Now working on the second issue :-)




Great work! That’s fantastic news, @André R. :)

Thanks so much for sharing your solution here. I’m sure it will be helpful to others in Community as well. Best of luck in finding a solution for linking the spreadsheets to the Google Forms! 

Hey there! I wanted to pop in and consolidate some of the info in this thread. 

You’re right. I’ve taken a look and it seems that we’re only able to get the “edit” ID for the form, not the “preview” ID that would be needed in order to create a link to view/fill out the form. And it’s not currently possible to set the spreadsheet a Google Form saves responses to when copying a form.


It looks like Andre was able to successfully find a workaround and was kind enough to share it here:



I have even a better, real solution (for the first issue). I made a change in how I build the URL to the form. What I initially did was: + ID + /viewform


I added the '/e’ because that is in the URL a Google Form creates for sending to people to fill in the form.


The following works, however: + ID + /viewform


It actually redirects the URL to the one that Google generates, but without the button to request editing rights. For this, it is necessary to add '/viewform’, without this addition you still get the 'request editing rights’ button on the bottom of the page.