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Adding Text and Vddeo to Social Media Posts Automatically via Buffer or Direct

  • 2 July 2023
  • 1 reply




I want to be able to create social media posts with text and video/media automatically, advice on implementing this please.


I have folders with short videos  (MP4) and text files (.txt). The text file is a summary of the video and includes hash tags. The video and text summaries  are created automatically and and written to DropBox (I can use Google Drive or OneDrive -or whatever makes this easy)


I want to create social media posts using the text AND video/media the same time.  I am struggling to get this done


I CAN do the following:  Convert video to summary text/post., Write text to DropBox. Create post using text.

This all works fine.

I can NOT yet add in the video to this post. 


I am using Buffer, but can change platforms if needed.  I also have a WordPress site and considered using a post via that - but Zapier wont let me add a video to the a new post automatically either.



How do I add text AND media, automatically to a social media post and/or WordPress post?




This post has been closed for comments. Please create a new post if you need help or have a question about this topic.

Troy Tessalone

Hi @srobweston 

Good question.

To help us have more context, please post detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured currently, thanks.