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We  have  a large  gravity forms form that we  zap  to  a  google  sheet. Several times in the past  and  now again we’ve modified  the  form and  need  to  add a new  column in the  sheet.  However when  we  do  that  it upsets all the  existing  mappings  to the  right  of  the  new  column.


Is  there  a  way  to  do  this (add  another gravity form field and  corresponding  google  sheet column)   so  that we  don’t have  to  remap  all of  these displaced  columns




Hi @Eric Magers 

Always add new GSheet columns to the end.


As an alternative, you may want to consider using Airtable instead of GSheets, since that allows you to have different Views of your data and to reorder columns w/o impacting the Zaps, because it’s a database app:

Thanks Troy  I’ll look that  over