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adding extra column to a form sheet with number information to a formsheet (without

  • 14 January 2021
  • 2 replies

Hi all, 

I am trying to find out how to add an extra column (pricing) with information to a dynamic google form sheet  where data is entered in rows every time the form has been filled in. The google form is my trigger.

De extra information which needs to be added in the row, depends on a value in that same row. 

So when the filled in form has for example the information COURSE X, I want automatically to add in the column ‘Pricing’ in that same row the price that comes with the filled in course. 

I don’t want to add an extra column every time a new form has been filled in. And also I dont want to build in an extra field in the form, since I dont want people to see this extra info. 

Hope my explanation has been clear enough…

Many thanks for your support! 





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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @zappedavid 



  1. If you have a limited list, try using a Formatter Lookup Table:
  2. If you have a longer list, try using a GSheet Lookup Row with a Lookup Table in a separate GSheet tab


Give those a try and let us know how it goes!

Userlevel 1

Hi Troy, 

Thanks for your links! It worked with bullet nr 1! I needed to find out that I have to add the action just after the trigger (google form). 

Again, tnx!
