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Add Referral Partner to Infusionsoft Contact

  • 11 August 2020
  • 1 reply

I am an affiliate generating leads for a client using Infusionsoft. I need to add myself as an Affiliate Partner in infusionsoft (Action) when i generate a new lead (trigger). The trigger part is simple. The action is where the problem is.

Is there a direct or indirect way to add an affiliate partner in infusionsoft with Zapier, or is there some other tool i can use to accomplish this?

If anyone has found a solution to this issue, sharing would be much appreciated!



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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @dcstreet!

That feature is not available in the Infusionsoft integration at the moment, I'm afraid. I’ve added you to a feature request, which means if/when it gets added you’ll be notified via email.

In terms of other ways to accomplish it, if you’re familiar with REST APIs or know someone who is, you could either create a private integration on our developer platform or possibly even use a Code or Webhook step to accomplish that. Here’s the information about that particular action in the Infusionsoft API docs:!/Affiliate/createAffiliateUsingPOST.

We have a Work Offered forum where you can look for help, or you can check out our Zapier Experts directory. Hope that helps!