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ActiveCampaign and PayPal?!

  • 31 July 2020
  • 1 reply

I have a membership with three different payment options for joining (monthly, annually, and forever access). Someone from AC helped me create a zap so that new buyers will be automatically added to AC after purchasing, but I’m unclear about whether or not I need a zap for each tier of the offer or if this one zap can distinguish between various purchases and tag people in AC accordingly?

I also want the new customers purchase value to be tracked in AC and for them to be added to a welcome series automation. 

Do I need a different zap for each of the three tiers or should one zap do it?

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Hi @erooney ,


This depends on the way your current Zap is working. I can’t look into your automation workflows so you would have to make a screenshot.

Most likely you would need multiple Zaps for multiple final goals, but Zapier also has if/else statements & filters which could do it all in 1 Zap workflow.  You could take a look at that. 
Let me know if you have some nice screenshot, or require some additional assistance.
