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A bot asking what people are grateful for – how can I improve this?

  • 2 March 2020
  • 1 reply

Hey y'all!

I made a Zap a while back that asks me to name a few things I'm grateful for each week. I love it. But I'm looking for ways to improve upon it.

Something I considered doing was grabbing my responses and adding them to a spreadsheet so I can track the things I'm grateful for over time. Maybe even find a way to look for trends.

But before I dig in much more, I was curious if y'all have thoughts for how I might make this more substantive?

Feel free to copy the app here:

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

I think that it would be great to add this to a Google Sheet and then randomly feed the items back to yourself eg once a day say ‘you were grateful for x on x date’ . I have a Zap that sends me things like that each day. I actually described how I do the random row selection in this post: 😊