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Still not working. I'm trying the same, looking for advanced custom field that I've added to my post. Here it is:

I think the slin.partner field should showing up when zapier refresh the fields, right?




Hi @arlindojr, I moved your reply to a new topic as it looks like you’re using WordPress rather than WooCommerce (which the first post was about). 


The Create Post action for WordPress doesn’t support custom fields, I’m sorry about that! We do have a feature request open for this and I’ve added you as an interested user. This lets the team know how many folks would like to see this addition and also means that we’ll send you an email when we have an update.

Please add me also as a intressted user. 

Hi @Iman! Thanks for the request - I’ve added you as an interested user on that feature request 🙂


Please add me to the feature list.

The fact Zapier doesn’t support custom fields is shocking.

Hi @Plus Internet! I’ve added you as an interested user on that feature request as well. We’re working on a new version of the WordPress integration that relies on having a Zapier plugin enabled on your website, and I believe that method will allow us to support custom fields. I don’t have any sort of timeline at all, but rest assured that adding support for custom fields is on our radar :)

I’m definitely interested in being able to utilize WP custom fields in my zaps.  Please add me to the list, as well.  Thank you. 

I’m definitely interested in being able to utilize WP custom fields in my zaps.  Please add me to the list, as well.  Thank you. 


I’ve added you to the list. Thanks!

Please add me to this feature request list. 

Hi @Marius Nal - I’ve added you to that feature request list. Thank you!

Hi @Marius Nal - I’ve added you to that feature request list. Thank you!

Great! Thanks :)

For anyone else that is interested, I am working with HTML tables to layout my content, not great but it sort of does what I would like it to do.

To anyone looking for the ability to use custom fields, you can check out this plugin (that integrates with Zapier).

To anyone looking for the ability to use custom fields, you can check out this plugin (that integrates with Zapier).

Great! Thank you for the confirm. I have been looking at this but wasn’t 100% certain it would work. Will purchase today!

Please add me to this feature request list.  Thank you


Please add me to the feature request list.

Will the updated version be able to transfer (title and metadesciption) to plugins used in Wordpress like Yoast SEO or AllinoneSEO?

Thanks in advance


This has to be in extensive demand. Wordpress dominates the web. Please add me to the list of eager users waiting for this option. 

Also, although Zapier does recognize Custom Post Types, I can’t access any of the standard fields associated with them. I’m limited only to Posts and Pages. 

Yes, zapper should recognize and process custom post types and custom post status too. 

Hi folks!

I took a look at the new WordPress integration and it looks like it doesn’t support custom fields, but I don’t have an account that I can test it with to be sure. The best thing to do would be to spin up a Zap that will let you test it. If you can’t see custom fields, could I ask you to please get in touch with the Support Team, (using the Get Help form) and let them know that it’s something that you’d like to see with the new integration. They’ll be able to create a new feature request for the new version of the app.

@JohnKapwa It’s difficult to comment on specific plugins because there are so many that work with WordPress. Looking at samples of posts that have been created with the Zapier integration, I can see that some of posts were using Yoast, but I can’t see which fields (if any were passed to Yoast in the way that you’re looking for. 



Please add me as an interested user. The fact that this has gone unresolved for so long leads me to believe we may need to find another automation solution for our organization, as the ability to create WordPress posts that include Advanced Custom Fields (which are widely used by WP installations) is essential to our automation needs.

Please add me as an interested user. The fact that this has gone unresolved for so long leads me to believe we may need to find another automation solution for our organization, as the ability to create WordPress posts that include Advanced Custom Fields (which are widely used by WP installations) is essential to our automation needs.



Yes, zapper should recognize and process custom post types and custom post status too. 

Totally! Really surprised that Wordpress/Zapier doesn’t support that… Please add me to this thread.


You can add me as interested user as well. Thanks

@gugga7 @TonyMF you have been added!

Please add me to this feature request aswell. desperate to have customer fields included!!

Please add me for this feature request as well.


@SkBAA & @InsightDezign you have been added to this request and will receive any updates via email!