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Filtering to include/exclude items in an array, using Code by Zapier

  • November 24, 2021
  • 7 replies
Filtering to include/exclude items in an array, using Code by Zapier
Troy Tessalone

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Q: Ever wanted to filter to include/exclude items in an array?
A: Use a Code app as a Zap step:


Code step configuration using JavaScript

NOTE: Map your line items array to the right side value for the “Set” Input Data variable in place of “A,B,C,C,B,A”.


Filter By to INCLUDE values in array



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let Set = inputData.Set.split(","); // creates array by splitting Input Data Variable at commas

let FilterBy = inputData.FilterBy; // value to filter the array by

Set = Set.filter(i => i.includes(FilterBy)); // INCLUDE values in array

output = [{Set}];


Filter By to EXCLUDE values in array



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let Set = inputData.Set.split(","); // creates array by splitting Input Data Variable at commas

let FilterBy = inputData.FilterBy; // value to filter the array by

Set = Set.filter(i => !i.includes(FilterBy)); // use ! EXCLUDE values in array

output = [{Set}];



Code step results to INCLUDE values in an array.


Code step results to EXCLUDE values in an array.


Contribution by Troy Tessalone

Troy is a Certified Zapier Expert who automates workflows with no-code and low-code apps to help clients save time and make money.

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7 replies

  • New
  • 3 replies
  • November 30, 2021

This is super helpful but I have an array of number (0.00, 5.00, 10.00, and 20.00) and I am trying to exclude the 0.00.  When I set the FilterBy to 0.00, it excludes 0.00 but also excludes 10.00 and 20.00.  Any ideas?

Troy Tessalone
  • Author
  • Zapier Expert
  • 31340 replies
  • November 30, 2021

Hi @erictobias 

Try changing the filter line to this:


  • New
  • 3 replies
  • November 30, 2021

Amazing!  Thank you so much!  It now returns 20.00, 10.00, and 5.00 as intended.  If I add Set.sort(); it returns 10.00 before 5.00.  Any idea how to solve that?

Troy Tessalone
  • Author
  • Zapier Expert
  • 31340 replies
  • November 30, 2021


Try adding this line after the filter line:


  • New
  • 3 replies
  • November 30, 2021

amazing. thank you!

  • Beginner
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  • September 25, 2024

I’m having trouble using this code to filter an array of Zoom Meetings by the Zoom meeting topic. I’m using a Input Data variable Set for the Zoom Array below and the FilterBy variable for the Zoom meeting topic. Any suggestions?

Here’s the array:

{"meetings":[{"uuid":"QmfjdPRnT1iPAx0Jgx+BBQ==","id":89233889087,"host_id":":censored:22:a70a31b480:","topic":"WPTI's Business Engagement Learning Lab (BELL)","type":8,"start_time":"2024-06-12T17:00:00Z","duration":150,"timezone":"America/New_York","agenda":"This is the Zoom link for all BELL sessions.","created_at":"2024-02-28T22:16:10Z","join_url":""},{"uuid":"ZiW3r9TcSVuPkuRtgCkWmg==","id":89178616159,"host_id":":censored:22:a70a31b480:","topic":"2025 DYCD Zoom Registration Template","type":2,"start_time":"2024-09-18T03:00:00Z","duration":60,"timezone":"America/New_York","created_at":"2024-09-18T02:04:11Z","join_url":""},{"uuid":"RD7dmjrSQrq+o7Es4Czxsg==","id":84538904667,"host_id":":censored:22:a70a31b480:","topic":"2022-08-09, Westchester Executive Roundtable","type":2,"start_time":"2024-09-23T12:00:00Z","duration":120,"timezone":"America/New_York","agenda":"Description and more description. Here's some bold","created_at":"2024-09-13T20:00:36Z","join_url":""},{"uuid":"Gw+82S0BTxKSVIJvVMggUg==","id":84350956274,"host_id":":censored:22:a70a31b480:","topic":"2022-08-09, Westchester Executive Roundtable","type":2,"start_time":"2024-09-23T12:00:00Z","duration":120,"timezone":"America/New_York","agenda":"Description and more description. Here's some bold","created_at":"2024-09-18T02:33:32Z","join_url":""},{"uuid":"Siwl1NsETVqsA2D0KLjvtQ==","id":84508039163,"host_id":":censored:22:a70a31b480:","topic":"2022-08-09, Westchester Executive Roundtable","type":2,"start_time":"2024-09-23T20:00:00Z","duration":0,"timezone":"America/New_York","agenda":"Description and more description. Here's some bold","created_at":"2024-09-18T06:20:33Z","join_url":""},{"uuid":"N86fG3fLR+yk86sPBWLYcw==","id":88631515049,"host_id":":censored:22:a70a31b480:","topic":"2022-08-09, Westchester Executive Roundtable","type":2,"start_time":"2024-09-23T20:00:00Z","duration":0,"timezone":"America/New_York","agenda":"Description and more description. Here's some bold","created_at":"2024-09-18T06:33:39Z","join_url":""},{"uuid":"jopE9qEATOCZKeF/ASZyvw==","id":83232327136,"host_id":":censored:22:a70a31b480:","topic":"120.0","type":2,"start_time":"2024-09-23T20:00:00Z","duration":0,"timezone":"America/New_York","agenda":"Description and more description. Here's some bold","created_at":"2024-09-18T06:15:45Z","join_url":""},{"uuid":"ZDf9x2mRTD6kR3oO8hOiWA==","id":82059006875,"host_id":":censored:22:a70a31b480:","topic":"2022-08-09, Westchester Executive Roundtable","type":2,"start_time":"2024-09-23T20:00:00Z","duration":0,"timezone":"America/New_York","agenda":"Description and more description. Here's some bold","created_at":"2024-09-18T06:17:27Z","join_url":""},{"uuid":"7wHANsWETsOf7MfbTRpzmw==","id":88150803243,"host_id":":censored:22:a70a31b480:","topic":"2022-08-09, Westchester Executive Roundtable","type":2,"start_time":"2024-09-23T20:00:00Z","duration":0,"timezone":"America/New_York","agenda":"Description and more description. Here's some bold","created_at":"2024-09-18T06:52:26Z","join_url":""},{"uuid":"adqCE9ZRStKoWIBxTPDK6Q==","id":87894406540,"host_id":":censored:22:a70a31b480:","topic":"2022-08-09, Westchester Executive Roundtable","type":2,"start_time":"2024-09-23T23:00:00Z","duration":0,"timezone":"America/Los_Angeles","agenda":"Description and more description. Here's some bold","created_at":"2024-09-18T03:56:14Z","join_url":""},{"uuid":"Y7A+FK4pTJGAWbO5yLShEg==","id":83497617384,"host_id":":censored:22:a70a31b480:","topic":"Artificial Intelligence in Workforce Development: AI and Its Impact ","type":2,"start_time":"2024-10-17T17:00:00Z","duration":120,"timezone":"America/New_York","agenda":"Target Audience: Front-Line Staff, Supervisors, Program Directors \n\nFacilitators: Justin Collins\nCo-Facilitator: Yanni Deconescu \n\nArtificial Intelligence (AI) \u2013 including Generative AI like ChatGPT \u2013 is rapidly changing the way we work, and by exten","created_at":"2024-09-19T13:18:17Z","join_url":""},{"uuid":"rWsVoHZVSfK7Lktn+WKdcA==","id":88938959676,"host_id":":censored:22:a70a31b480:","topic":"AI Tools for Workforce Development","type":2,"start_time":"2025-01-23T18:00:00Z","duration":120,"timezone":"America/New_York","agenda":"Target audience: Front-Line Staff, Supervisors, Program Directors\n\nFacilitators: Justin Collins\nCo-Facilitator: Yanni Deconescu \n\nTraining Description: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not only changing the way the world works, it also offers helpful ","created_at":"2024-09-19T13:26:04Z","join_url":""}]}

Troy Tessalone
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  • 31340 replies
  • September 25, 2024

Hi @mountainrog 

Probably best to start your own topic, and include how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode along with any encountered errors.
