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What's new with 6 popular apps

Categories:App Integrations
  • November 12, 2020
  • 3 replies
What's new with 6 popular apps

Hi, folks!

I’m @Dannielle from the Partnerships team at Zapier. 

You might have noticed a few changes to some of your favorite Zapier integrations this year. That's because we've been working with our partners to bring you the updates you've been asking for across some of our most popular website builders, eCommerce tools, CRM apps, and more. 

I’m excited to share a recap of the updates and improvements made to these six Zapier integrations: WordPress, WooCommerce, Stripe, Mailchimp, Pipedrive, and Salesforce Essentials. 

Here's a look at everything that's changedand what it means for you. 

Website builders 

1. WordPress

If you're one of the 60 million people who use WordPress to run your site or blog, you'll appreciate WordPress's revamped Zapier integration. You can now build workflows for any type of WordPress post, as we've added two new actions, one trigger, and one search function: 

  • Updated Post trigger 

  • Create User action 

  • Update Post action 

  • Find Post search

Translation: you can now create new WordPress accounts for users, instantly update posts, search for a post, and create Zaps that trigger when a post is updated.

Plus, it's now even easier to start using these new features right away, with the new WordPress plug-in for Zapier. 

2. WooCommerce 

Next up is WooCommerce's Zapier integration, following hard and fast with some highly requested features that'll make handling your transactions a breeze. 

While you can read the full breakdown here, the key takeaway is this: You can now use Zaps to create new customers (and update existing ones), orders, and subscriptions in WooCommerce. And you can also trigger Zaps when orders, coupons, customers, products, and subscriptions are created, updated, deleted, or restored in WooCommerce.


eCommerce tools

3. Stripe

Do you run a subscription-based business? If so, you'll love the updated Stripe integration.

Subscription management is a key part of this update, as you can now build workflows that create, find, and cancel subscriptions in Stripe.
Other updates include:

  • New Charge and New Event triggers are now instant

  • New search: Find customers by email address

  • Support for metadata and custom data fields

4. Mailchimp

If you don’t think of Mailchimp as an eCommerce platform, these five new features we added to our Mailchimp integration might change your mind. You can now trigger workflows every time a new customer or new order is created in Mailchimp. 

Want to see if your emails really "click"? You can also create Zaps that trigger when someone opens your email or clicks on a link inside. It's a handy feature for those of you tracking email engagement. Last but not least, you can create a Zap that finds customers based on their email addresses. (A pretty nifty way to save time.)

CRM apps

5. Pipedrive

The updates made to Pipedrive's integration are subtle, yet powerful. And they start right from the get-go: you can now sign in with OAuth, removing the need for API Keys. (It's a more straightforward—and secure—way of creating Zaps with Pipedrive.)

Here are some of the other improvements:

  • Three polling triggers are now instant

  • All deal-related triggers, actions, and searches have been revamped

  • New search: Find Product(s) with line items

6. Salesforce Essentials

While it's technically not a revamp, we also wanted to announce our new integration with Salesforce Essentials, the CRM tool that lets you manage your customer conversations from anywhere. We'd be remiss if we didn’t include it in this roundup! 

We want to hear from you.

Let us know:

  • How have you been using these new and improved integrations? 

  • What are your favorite new features?

  • What features do you want to see next?

Tip: to stay on top of all of the updates to Zapier and our integrations, check out our product updates blog and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. 

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3 replies


Great stuff - thanks to you and the team for making them possible!

  • 1 reply
  • March 7, 2021

What on the drawing board with Venmo and Square?  what are the changes of these platforms becoming part of Zapier?





  • Builder
  • 899 replies
  • March 9, 2021

Hi @JohnnyK - At this time, Venmo isn’t offered on Zapier, but we do have a Square integration.