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Create Dynamic Formulas in Google Sheets Using 1 Task Instead of 2

  • December 2, 2020
  • 3 replies
Create Dynamic Formulas in Google Sheets Using 1 Task Instead of 2

Mod Edit: 03-17-2022

Have you ever wanted to create a row in Google Sheets, and use a formula that references another cell in that row? If you’re in Google Sheets, you could just copy and paste that row, and the cell references will change automatically. But normally in Zapier, you have to do this:

  1. Create the new row so that we get the Row number

  2. Update the row with the formula using that Row number

That’s because when we create a new row, we don’t know what the row number is going to be until after we create it! So we have to add the formula after we know the row number, which uses up two tasks to create just one row. 

But with a little bit of formula magic we can save that second task every time. We can do this by using INDIRECT and ROW.

INDIRECT lets us use formulas to reference other cells. Normally if you wrote a formula like "SUM(A3,"B" & 3+3), this would not work because formulas will not work as cell references. In other words, this would not resolve to "SUM(A3,B6)", and we would just get an error. However, if you surround that last bit with "INDIRECT," it will work. 

In other words:

=SUM(A3,INDIRECT("B" & 3+3))

Will resolve to:


That might not seem very useful on its own! But in Zapier, we can combine this with ROW() to reference a cell in the row we’ve just created, and skip having to update it with another action!

Let’s say your Zap is putting two numbers in columns B and C, and you want the total of those numbers to show up in column D. In Google Sheets, you would simply write:


into D2, and copy that from Row 2 into all the other rows. In Zapier, you can do something very similar, but it would look like this instead:


An example in Google Sheets of the Indirect Formula summing up two cells

That looks complicated, but it’s actually pretty simple when you break it down step by step! When the Zap runs, ROW() will equal the row that it is in. If the Zap created row 88, then the ROW() formula would resolve to:

=SUM(INDIRECT("B" & 88),INDIRECT("C" & 88))

Then the INDIRECT formulas would take those strings, and turn them into cell references like so:


And voila! A formula without any extra tasks. You can use this to perform calculations on other cells, run IF statements based on other data, and more! All without using another task.

BONUS: Use INDIRECT to reference cells in completely different rows

The great thing about INDIRECT is that you can use it to reference any cell, based on whatever math you like. Let’s say you wanted to check if the previous row had an odd number in column C. You could use this formula:


See what’s  happening there? We’re subtracting 1 from the ROW number of the cell we just filled in. So if this was in Row 88, the formula would resolve to:


And in that way, you can reference a cell anywhere in relation to the row you just created! I’ve seen people use this to set up warnings when a number got too high, assign unique IDs based on previous rows, and more. Here’s an example of creating a new Customer number based on the previous row:

This INDIRECT formula adds 1 to whatever number is above it


With Google Sheets, there are usually about 50 ways to do the same thing! Here is a great post on how to use the original, two-step version to create dynamic formulas. Formula on a different worksheet to capture that data and add formulas manually. I’m not totally familiar with array formulas, but I know that’s an option!

For those of you using large Google Sheets it may be better to use use INDEX instead of the INDIRECT function as per GetUWired’s suggestion below. This should help to prevent any potential performance issues: 

The formula

would be come


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On large Google Sheets,  using INDIRECT causes significant performance issues.  See

I use ARRAYFORMULA heavily in Google Sheets so that every new row I create through a zap has columns auto-populated with calculated formula results.  Syntax takes some getting used to but once you get your head wrapped around it, it works well.

This has greatly increased the flexibility/power of the automation that I can do through Zapier as well.  If there is interest in knowing more,  ping me and I can provide more context/examples.

  • Zapier Staff
  • 2115 replies
  • May 6, 2021

Hey @anatesanStream!

Thanks so much for chiming in with that extra info — super helpful 🙂 I may just take you up on that offer to get some extra context/examples!

  • Zapier Expert
  • 1030 replies
  • August 30, 2021

Hey @ClintEmsley !
Great article! 

Another option would be to use INDEX in place of INDIRECT.


The advantage:
INDEX is a non-volatile function.


INDEX returns the content of a cell, specified by row and column offset (in other words….. =INDEX({reference range}, {row offset}, {column offset})



For those reading, anywhere you see INDIRECT() in the above can be replaced by INDEX()


Lets say, i wanted to replace the formula you mentioned above for putting two numbers in columns B and C, and you want the total of those numbers to show up in column D. The formula



would be come