I can see that ZAP isn't register feed into my gravity forms plugin.
When I turn on my ZAP, new feed should be created into my form zapier section but never is registered.
Zapier never make any post http request to endpoint https://glop.es/wp-json/gf/v2/feeds
That is the reason what my feed is not created by the ZAP. But Why Zapier never make a post request to that endpoint (/wp-json/gf/v2/feeds) ?
Webservice are enabled, and I tested it with my postman and it really worked.
This works in postman:
POST /wp-json/gf/v2/feeds HTTP/1.1
Host: www.glop.es
Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXX
Content-Type: application/json
Cookie: PHPSESSID=7hvikcmic4f36k0gtfcgribivu
Content-Length: 322
"form_id": "63",
"addon_slug": "gravityformszapier",
"meta": {
"feedName": "TEST",
"zapURL": "https://hooks.zapier.com/hooks/catch/2905463/opptdhn/",
"adminLabels": "0",
"legacy": "1",
"legacy_id": "25",
"feed_condition_conditional_logic": 0
Any kind of help? Why zapier never posts nothing to my site to create the feed?