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  1. I'm using Google spreadsheet and messenger app in conjunction.
  2. using zapier through web hook.
  3. today, The corresponding "zap" does not receive and receive notifications.
  4. check history, The notification has been stopped since the 27th.(yesterday)
  5. I entered new data in real time, but there is no response.
  6. The spreadsheet is being input normally.
  7. Others work normally.

i tried turn off and on this zap

And I tried the same web hook connection.

but It is not solved yet.

Hey there, @lifeisgood! Thanks for reaching out. So sorry for the delay here!
I noticed you were able to reach out to my friends in support and they had some tips to share here:

Working with Google Sheets on a Zap can sometimes be tricky and could sometimes cause a 'broken' Zap when changes are made to the spreadsheet while the Zap is on.
What I would recommend here is if you would please check this help page for more info about this -
I would suggest to please turn the Zap OFF for about 20 seconds and then turn it back ON again. Once you're done with this, would you please create a test entry on your Google Sheets? This is so we can verify that it's working this time.

I know you mentioned, you were able to turn it off/on - which is perfect! Were you able to create a new entry on your Google Sheets? That would be the next step.

I might also recommend checking out this article on how to setup your Google Sheets to work with Zapier as there are some specific details here that could be helpful to verify:

If anything else comes up/you’re still unable to get things working, responding to your open support thread will be the best next step.

Hey there, @lifeisgood! I wanted to swing by and see if you were able to get this sorted? 

Keep us posted! We’d love to know. 🙂