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Hi. I want to create a new ticket on Pylon (customer service ticketing platform) whenever a new incident is triggered on a specific Pagerduty service. 

The “test” step succeeds for the Pagerduty step, but it seems like something is wrong. When I go to configure the next step (ping API for pylon to create a new ticket), none of the options of input fields from my previous step seem to include a simple title or description. 

Here’s the pagerduty step “succeeding”. It always shows this test incident and never any real incidents that have actually been triggered on my pagerduty service. 

There are many input fields that show up in this dropdown, but very few of them seem to have any data associated with them. I wouldn’t expect “Event Data Title” to be empty. 


Any idea what’s happening here? 

Hi ​@jane_123 

Try mapping the variables to the Zap action step.

Then turn the Zap ON and test live.

Check your Zap Runs history details to see the DATA IN/OUT for each step to help you trace the data flow and troubleshoot:



I think my problem is that the “find new records” button doesn’t actually find my records and instead populates it with example values. I see as the subscription delivery url and other fields like that instead of my actual events. It looks like the api key and service ID are correct. How do I hook up the service to correctly read my pagerduty data?


Help link from PagerDuty that may provide guidance:


Some Zap app integrations only return dummy data in Zap EDIT mode, but will returned real/live data when the Zap is turned ON.
