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So I’m attempting to setup a webhook to pull data from a website that pulls a clients Insurance Info from their carrier. That info is then sent to an Insurance Broker for quoting purposes. I’m attempting to set up a Zap that pulls info and sends it to the CRM create a new prospect. I’ve got the trigger set up but it gives me this info: 


“This is not the real ID it gives me but a fake one to use here”






The CRM action requires me to input name, address, phone, and email info. However I don’t have any test info for it to use. So I’m not sure what to use in those fields as I can’t procede since it’s required. 

Here is a link to the webhook info from the site I’m using for the trigger.

Hi @PSheridan64 

Can you provide screenshots of how your Zap step is configured as well as the data returned from the API query?

Hi @PSheridan64 

you will need your team id as well as the pull id to pull back this information. 

I have found that this specific tasks first requires setting up a catch hook trigger and webhook from canopy to be notified when a pull is completed. From there you can set up a get request as shown below.


I would also encourage you to test the canopy button and load your insurance information so that you can pull a real pull using and Id. The data returned is very dynamic since not everyone has the same insurance information. If you are just filling primary contact data it should be fine but if you need insurance information it can take quite a bit of code to pull it all out. 

If you need help setting this up, please don’t hesitate to reach out. 

Hey @PSheridan64,

Were you able to get this working using a GET request as GetUWired suggested? Please let us know!