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It seems like ever since Zapier rolled out “drafts”, none of my webhook triggered zaps have new “test data” in the dropdown when I refresh.  Has anyone else had this issue?

Hi @Google Forms -> 

Good question.

Yes, this is a known issue.

Workaround: Have the Zap Webhook trigger step open when testing the webhook, then refresh to pull in the newer webhook data samples.

I also suggest you submit a ticket to Zapier Support to emphasize this issue:

Hey @Google Forms ->! It looks like you were able to get in touch with our support team, who is helping troubleshoot the issue and determine if this is a bug or not. The best thing to do is to continue to follow-up there. We’ll be keeping an eye on things as well but definitely want to encourage you to share the solution back to this thread once things have gotten sorted out!

This issue is affecting my ability to properly setup new Zaps that are not catching RAW hooks. I have Zap History runs that I could use to test the webhook if they were the actual RAW payload and not the result of parsing it. Is there a way to access the underlying RAW payload?


You can change the Zap trigger to use: Catch Raw Hook


@Troy Tessalone Thanks. This is a work around that we have implemented but has other drawbacks. RAW Hooks are limited to 2MB (I think) payload and the payloads in question include Base64 resume files which often exceed that limit and are kicked out.

Hey there! I wanted to swing by and post an updates from the open ticket for this.

When testing Webhooks by Zapier triggers in a Zap draft, we do only collect data that was sent to the webhook URL while the "Test trigger" sub-step is open in a draft of the Zap. 
With this in mind, can I ask you to try editing your Zaps, opening the Test Trigger step, and then send new samples to the Webhook URL? Please let me know if that doesn't load the samples you are expecting. 
Additionally, I will provide feedback on your behalf about this change, as I can see how it would be helpful to be able to load samples of recent webhook requests, even if they were sent while the draft was not being edited. 

Thanks again for sharing this candid feedback with the team! It’s valued and appreciated.

+1 for collecting test data without having the trigger open, please. 🙏

Yes, it is very annoying as with the legacy webhook, you didn't need to have it open to collect test data. 
While its not a huge issue most of the time, it is certainly an annoyance, and can be a BIG problem when working with other companies/vendors who are providing the webhook and trying to get the test data timed perfectly. Took me several days to get test data from a vendor that was overseas.