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I am trying to set up a webhook to extract body text from selected emails to pass to an LLM to generate replies. I am a total noob to webhooks and know nothing about JSON so I’m baffled by the errors. Unfortunately, support can’t even provide me with a working example of any webhook so I can compare syntax. Below are some screenshots, with personal data removed, of my data fields and the error. I hope somebody can tell me why I get errors and how to correct them. Thanks.

In case you are wondering, I’m trying to set up a test Zap to troll the numerous scammers that plague my inbox 😃 Hopefully, if it works, I can use the same technique for more serious purposes with an LLM trained on my data to handle routine enquiries.




Hi @Esinem 

Can you link to the API endpoint documentation you used to configure the API request?


Remove the Header.


The Data field should only consist of the “data”.


Thanks for your assistance. I think this is what you need:

What of parts of the Data entry should be removed? I just tried this:


I got this but I can’t see the comma to which it refers




Where specifically in the link you provided did you get the JSON to put in the Data field?

All of these are set in other fields within the Zap step.

  • Method
  • URL
  • Headers

Thanks again. Bear in mind, my level of expertise is sub-Homer Simpson 🙂 I have no idea what I’m doing and my methodology is pretty much trial and lots of error

I used the suggestion from the AI troubleshooter


If I paste the highlighted text into data, it changes to this entry..which returns the error below (I’m going around in circles!)




What is the link to where you got this JSON to begin with?


Gah! I did a lengthy reply but think I must have forgot to hit Reply 😞 This link: ?


Can anyone please help?