We are using Ticketspice for our event registrations so a customer will fill out the TicketSpice form and create a ticket and order in TicketSpice. We need to PUT that record into WebinarJam because their ZAPIER integration does not allow actions into WebinarJam.
Every webinar with WJ includes a member_id, webinar_id, webinar_hash and api_key. I believe this information is inserted into webhook. WebinarJam provides the following and a note that the webinar_id and schedule_id have to be obtained from a previous API call (GET on available webinars) for the specific webinar the person is being registered for.
I think the process is a multi-step process:
TicketSpice registers a customer;
Zapier GETs webinar information from WebinarJam
TicketSpice PUTs the information into WebinarJam.
- I created the first step and TicketSpice activates Zapier with a new Ticket Registation
- I selected the next Action as Webinarhook by Zapier to GET information but Zapier shows information for TicketSpice and I need to GET information from WebinarJam
Do I just enter the information (see attached) for WebinarJam? A
- Method: register
- Type: POST
- Complete URL: https://api.webinarjam.com/webinarjam/register
IMPORTANT: to register a person to a series of webinars, you must only request the registration once through the first schedule. The API will auto-register that person to all the following schedules within the series.
The request must include all of the required fields, based on the table below:
Name | Value |
api_key* | string(64) |
webinar_id* {+} | integer |
first_name* | string |
last_name** | string, optional |
email* | string |
schedule* {+} | int |
ip_address | string, optional |
phone_country_code** | string, optional, with “+” |
phone** | string, optional, only numbers |