Hi, we are trying to integrate our application with Zapier / Webhooks.
Every time we create an item - in our case, an appointment -, we call the hooks which Zapier gave us, and all works fine: a new appointment is created on the external application (for example Google Calendar)
For the updates, we created a Zap with the following steps:
1) search the appointment on the external app by Title (for example: "Doctor appointment")
2) update the Google Calendar appointment (with the Google event Id we got from the previous step)
It works, but only if the appointment's title is unchanged (if the title is changed, the search fails).
We are wondering if there is a better way: is it possible to get the Google appointment id when we create it, and do the update by id, rather than by title? Can we organize our integration code or our Zaps differently?
Thank you very much