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I need to update Google Contact from our CMS through Zapier Webhook. I have created the hook and sends data from our CMS. If the field is not empty it works. But if some field is empty the zap do not update this Google Contact field.

Data in Google Contact:
Name: Jordan
Family: Stoichkov
Phone: 999999

Data send from CMS with webhook:
Name: Jordan
Phone: 0123312

Result: The zap updates Name and Phone field, but not Family because it is emplty and new Contact data is: Name: Jordan
Family: Stoichkov
Phone: 0123312

Expected result is:
Name: Jordan
Phone: 0123312

I have tried Formatter step with default value, spreadsheets formulas but every time if the data field is empty (nodata) it is not send to clear Google Contacts field.

Hi @jordanstoichkovsmilegalaxy 


This is actually the expected behaviour. To clear a field, you need to input 3 spaces but instead you are inputting a blank value.


A simple work around would be to input the data you want to remove in the CMS as 3 spaces (not guaranteed to work but worth a shot).

Thanks, @MohSwellam  for the reply :)


I tested to send 3 spaces from CMS. The Google Contacts field did not update.


I tested with Formatter and formula -

IF("{{174688151__last_name}}" = "", "   ", "{{174688151__last_name}}")

and again 3 spaces are considered as blank and the Google Contacts field is not updated.

Hmmmmm, ya that is always a head scratcher. You can do something (although not optimal) which is passing a dot

Yes, now I’m using _ but the name is made from prefix name surname lastname and is like

_ Jordan Stoichkov _ _
which seems … funny in contacts list.

It will be good to find solution or Zapier creates a fix or upgrade to this functionality.